Guest Services
Our friendly and helpful team at the Guest Services kiosk is located between Marks & Toys R Us near entrances 5 & 6. Open all mall hours for:
- Lambton Mall gift card sales
- Gift card balance checks
- Complementary stroller & wheelchair rentals
- Lost & Found
- Directions
- Sarnia Transit information
- Job boards
We are here for any thing you need to help make your shopping experience at Lambton Mall great and easy!
Please note the mall walkers program is now running again.
Community Bookings:
If you are a community group or not-for-profit organization interested in booking space in the mall contact us at 519-542-7784 ext. 226 or email [email protected]
The role of the Security Service at Lambton Mall is to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for the shopping public. In the event that you require the assistance of the Security, Security staff can be contacted at Guest Services, located between Toys R Us & Marks Work Wearhouse. Uniformed, licensed, and radio equipped male and female Security staff patrol the mall, providing security presence and offering assistance as required
The Security Service is available to assist mall patrons and tenants in many ways, including but not limited to:
- Assisting patrons with location of vehicles
- Providing first aid for any injuries or illnesses. Our security staff are trained in CPR, First Aid and use of on-site defibrillators
- Locating lost children
- Operating a lost and found property program with the held of Guest Services for items found at Lambton Mall
- Ensuring personal safety through escorts and constant, uniformed patrols using a marked security vehicle
In addition to patrolling the shopping floor, our Security Service also patrol the mall parking lots and outer perimeter in a marked Security Vehicle. These patrols serve to deter crime, identify suspicious behaviour and to assist shoppers in these outer areas of the Shopping Centre. Our Security Service act as an important link with the Sarnia Police Service and other emergency services that may be required at Lambton Mall.
In order to further protect visitors to Lambton Mall, the Centre acquired three Automated External Defibrillators (AED’s) and all members of the Security Service are trained in the use of these life-saving cardiac devices. All Security personnel are also trained in first aid and CPR.
More than ever, Lambton Mall is striving to provide our shoppers with a safe and comfortable shopping environment for your enjoyment.
Are you interested in working as a member of the Lambton mall Security team? If so, please submit a resume and cover letter, specifying if you desire part-time or full-time hours, to the Security Office, located next to Telus. Resumes are accepted on a continuous basis, with interviews held as positions become available. Security experience and post-secondary education (particularly in Law and Security or Police Foundations) is preferred but, not required.