Published on May 10

Sunshine is on the way this May

Sarnia will be heating up this July 21.22. 2023 with our local summer concert festival


First off, you will want to find Revelree on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with the latest concert info!

We want you to check out some concert outfit inspiration ideas! 

Check it out below:

Heading to The Arkells Friday July 21st? This casual but funky fun outfit will suit this night just right: 

These cute items can all be found at American Eagle. Don't wait till the day of- you will want to look comfy cute to get your rock on!

Did you want a to get Trendy to see LIGHTS?

Check out these Lights inspired outfits below!

These pops of colour and comfy fitting jeans can be located at Garage Clothing and Bluenotes- The last photo is inspiration with a Retro Band T- which can be found at Old Navy or Bluenotes. Don't forget to snipe a pair of Doc Martens from Soft Moc- they not only look stunning with any outfit but provide you with that continuous comfort while you rock out!

Last but not least- We don't want you missing out on any of these amazing artists- so click the link below and get yourself some tickets!


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